BS&B supplies many of the Accessories required to safely and conveniently install our overpressure relief devices and complementary products. Through our professional team and global network of sales engineers and procurement personnel, we are able to provide the highest quality accessory products to meet your installation requirements.
After activation, the replacement disk is quickly slid into place. Saving hours of lost production due to blown rupture disks.
A gauge tap in the outlet flange of the safety head may be considered when the safety head is installed in a vertical position.
When activated, the jackscrews effectively separate the flanges, providing adequate clearance to remove or insert a safety head and external gaskets.
Eye bolts are recommended when weight and/or accessibility is a factor in lifting safety heads.
When a safety head is free-vented to atmosphere, a baffle plate may be considered to disperse overpressure and absorb recoil.
A range of Sales Brochure (bursting discs) with integral gaskets offering the lowest burst pressures in a reverse buckling style disk
A range of sensors suitable for different rupture disk types used to provide immediate warning of a ruptured disk., #77-1003
Detec-Saf™ alarm system provides immediate warning and specific location of disk rupture and centralized monitoring of all disk locations.
The type ECV™ reverse buckling Compression Loaded Style Disk provides over pressure relief in either gas/vapor or liquid application. The ECV disk is designed with a perforated circular score in the perimeter of the dome. Gaskets which are activated by assembly of safety head, cover the perforated score line to achieve a sealed construction. The snap action of reverse buckling disk technology enables very low burst pressures to be achieved avoiding the use of weaker slotted composite disk designs.
The ECR™ rupture disks (bursting discs) is available in a range of corrosion resistant materials. Standard disk materials are Nickel alloy 200, Stainless Steel grade 316, Monel® (Nickel alloy 400), Inconel® (Nickel alloy 600), Hastelloy® C-276, & Tantalum. All standard disks are available with 0%, 5%, and 10% manufacturing ranges.
Eco-Saf rupture disks (bursting discs), in non-contaminating materials, presenting a smooth disk surface towards the process are ideal for sanitary and aseptic applications. The disk’s sanitary gasket provides a leak tight seal when installed in its holder Type ER-C and secured by standard sanitary clamps.
The ECV™ rupture disks (bursting discs) may be installed in the EC-7RS™ safety head and the cap screws torque to provide the correct load on the disk on the workshop before installation in the process. The pretorquable feature minimizes the possibility of process leakage or permanent disk failure due to incorrect torque. Asymmetric locating pins center the disk in the safety head ensuring the correct direction of the disk installation.
The BS&B global team appreciate the support of our customers and suppliers during this challenging time.