Performance Features

  • Designed for gas, liquid and multi-phase service
  • Suitable for operating pressure to 70% of the marked burst pressure (75% of the minimum burst pressure)
  • Damage safety ratio ≤ 1
  • Vacuum resistant with additional vacuum support
  • Back pressure resistance can be specified
  • Optional fluoropolymer liner/coating
  • Available with ASME “UD” (select Standard, Half, Quarter Manufacturing Design Range)
  • Pressure Equipment Directive “CE” marking and/or other International Certifications
  • BS&B proprietary technology

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  • Sizes & Pressures
  • Burst Tolerance
  • Safety Heads & Sensors
  • Accessories
  • Documentation

Sizes & Pressures

B™ Disk Specifications Minimum/Maximum Pressure with Rating at 72° (22°C)

Disk Size Nickel Alloy 200 Monel Alloy 400 Inconel Alloy 600 Hastelloy Alloy C-276 316SS Aluminum
in mm psig barg psig barg psig barg psig barg psig barg psig barg
min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max
0.5 15 280 20000 19 1379 340 25000 24 1724 440 30000 30 2068 - - - - 625 30000 43 2068 80 1500 6 103
1 25 145 8000 10 552 175 10000 12 689 225 12000 16 827 400 12000 28 827 320 12000 22 827 40 1500 6 69
1.5 40 95 6000 7 414 115 6000 8 414 150 6000 10 414 263 6000 18 414 210 6000 14 414 26 750 2 52
2 50 55 4000 4 276 67 4500 5 310 87 6000 6 414 150 6000 10 414 120 6000 8 414 16 570 1 39
3 80 41 2500 3 172 49 3200 3 220 63 4000 4 276 113 6000 8 414 90 6000 6 414 12 460 1 32
4 100 31 1900 2 131 37 2400 3 165 48 3000 3 207 85 6000 6 414 68 6000 5 414 9 360 1 25
6 150 23 1400 2 97 28 1800 2 124 36 2200 3 152 64 3600 4 248 51 3600 4 248 7 275 0.5 19
8 200 18 1100 1 76 22 1450 2 100 28 1700 2 117 50 3600 3 248 40 2100 3 145 5 205 0.4 14
10 250 14 800 1 55 17 1150 1 79 22 1400 2 97 - - - - 30 1400 2 97 4 165 0.3 11
12 300 12 670 1 46 15 960 1 66 19 1000 1 69 - - - - 27 1000 2 69 4 140 0.3 10
14 350 11 570 1 39 13 750 1 52 17 750 1 52 - - - - 23 750 2 52 3 125 0.2 9
16 400 9 410 1 28 11 475 1 33 15 500 1 35 - - - - 20 500 1 34 3 105 0.2 7
18 450 8 445 0.5 30 10 450 1 31 13 475 1 33 - - - - 20 500 1 34 3 105 0.2 7
20 500 8 400 0.5 28 9 450 1 31 12 450 1 31 - - - - 16 450 1 31 2 85 0.1 6
24 600 37 145 3 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 60 230 4 16 2 71 0.1 5
Note: Type B rupture disk technology is available up to nominal size 44” (1100 mm). Consult BS&B

Burst Tolerance

Marked Burst Pressure Burst Tolerance
2 ≤ 15 psig (0.14 ≤ 1.03 barg) ± 1.5 psig (0.1 barg)
15 < 40 psig (1.03 < 2.8 barg) ± 2.0 psig (0.14 barg)
≥ 40 psig (2.76 barg) ± 5%


BS&B supplies many of the Accessories required to safely and conveniently install our overpressure relief devices and complementary products. Through our professional team and global network of sales engineers and procurement personnel, we are able to provide the highest quality accessory products to meet your installation requirements.

Saf-T-Change Quick Disk Replacement (QDR)

After activation, the replacement disk is quickly slid into place. Saving hours of lost production due to blown rupture disks.

Tell-Tale Assemblies & Excess Flow Valves/Gauges

A gauge tap in the outlet flange of the safety head may be considered when the safety head is installed in a vertical position.

Spare Safety Heads & Cap Screws


When activated, the jackscrews effectively separate the flanges, providing adequate clearance to remove or insert a safety head and external gaskets.

Lifting Lug Eye Bolts

Eye bolts are recommended when weight and/or accessibility is a factor in lifting safety heads.

Baffle Plate

When a safety head is free-vented to atmosphere, a baffle plate may be considered to disperse overpressure and absorb recoil.

Product Literature

Burst Alert Sensors
Detec Saf Alarm System - Burst Disk Monitor


The Type B Rupture Disk (Bursting Disc) is a tension-loaded forward rupture disk. The seating design allows the dome to thin out until it can no longer withstand the pressure. The metal segments fold back against the walls of the fitting in an irregular pattern to provide a full opening. The ultimate tensile strength of the metal determines its failure point when loaded in tension.

Type B™ Rupture Disk (Bursting Disc) Material Options

The Type B™ Rupture Disk (Bursting Disc) is available in a range of corrosion resistant materials. Standard disk materials are Nickel alloy 200, Stainless Steel grade 316, Monel® (Nickel alloy 400), Inconel® (Nickel alloy 600), Hastelloy® C-276, & Aluminum. Fluoropolymer film liners are offered with the type B™ rupture disk (bursting disc) at all burst pressures. All standard disks are available with 5% and 10% manufacturing ranges.


Vacuum Applications

If backpressure on convex (atmospheric) side of the disk ever exceeds the pressure applied to the concave (pressure) side of the disk, a vacuum support may be required. Supports are not required for all disks. Consult BS&B for help. If extremely high vacuum is involved, in the micron range, seating of rupture disk (bursting disc) may require a soft gasket ring mounted to the process side of support. A ring can also be attached to atmospheric side of rupture disk (bursting disc) or vacuum grease may also be applied to the soft ring-seating surface to provide additional tightness when high vacuum is encountered.


Installation in Safety Head

The Type B Rupture Disk (Bursting Disc) must be used in BS&B rupture disk (bursting disc) holder types FA, SA, SF, or UA or other types recommended by and manufactured by BS&B. Substitution of either rupture disk (bursting disc) or safety head / holder not manufactured by BS&B not only may affect the burst pressure or opening characteristics of the disk, it also voids BS&B warranty.